Sunday, July 29, 2012

Merging crafts, funny how that works

I got a few crafts uploaded this weekend. Beading and working full time sure does take stamina LOL. I also bake between the beading and clay crafting. I threw strawberries and blueberries in a bundt  pan and made one awesome cake .... The strawberries baked up nicely with a tarty flavor, which was a nice compliment to the super sweet blueberries. 
I am requested to make Onion Dill Bread, and Zucchy Bread this week. (Kids and Parents gotta love em!) My husband also is having is 48th birthday Tuesday..... I am thinking I will let someone else do the cooking  (OUTBACK here we come!!)  I am sure he wont complain LOL. 

I managed to finally incorporate a really cool 1960's brooch onto a picture frame. The brooch was missing a stone and I was lucky enough to have a exact fit in my scraping pile of craft supplies. The color was different but with a little imagination and a bit of fimo clay ( More baking !!), I am able to give one of my favorite shots i have taken a place to call home. 

I love the black and white photo with the 3D colorful frame .... This is now sitting proudly on my fire place mantel. 

I also got a few hours this weekend to play a little bit more with my clay.... Much to my surprise I am finding that Clay is also a new obsession along with the beading. The great thing about that is I can incorporate the two passions into one :) While I was making my cute little bananas, I messed up on a peel piece. I rolled it up to add to my save for later pile.... and noticed that it looked like a tiny rose bud ,,,,I was like hummmm a few green leaves and a hole .... BEAD !!!!!!!!! I was so excited on how these bananas and rose buds turned out I just had to share ..... I drove over to show my dad ..... He got a great laugh because they are so little .. but so detailed ...... He even dug through his tools and found me a little thumb drill to help keep the holes nice and clean ...... He says I need a MONKEY to really make this awesome ..... ( Note to self look for a monkey clay tutorial) ...... 

This week is going to be hectic between bread making and agenda items at work ... But I should be able to get a few more bracelets done for the upcoming ESTY shop ....I start designing my cards this week also... Still haven't decided on a name yet ,,, But I do have a few ideas floating around in my noggin. 
Once I have the inner workings done I will update here. I say bring on Monday I am ready ... CIAO 

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Journey into a new craft

So here I am just finding my artistic talent at 46. Who would have thought that I would fall in love with beads. My husband says that I have a bead addition. Well I guess there could be worse things to be addicted to. I have only been beading for a few weeks .. I have found that most of my joy does not come from trying to sell my nifty little creations .... But comes from the joy on people face when I finish a requested theme or present... They must love beads too !!   The best beads I have to say is vintage .. You can go to flea markets, yard sales and second hand stores... Its like a scavenger hunt .... Sometime you get lucky and can come across some really cool beads .... then sometimes you crap out and get ALOT of dirty junk ( I just got a lot in and the beads were so dirty I thought I need a HAZ-MAT suit to separate them .... Didn't get any special beads but came out with enough to justify the buy.) 

The hardest part I believe is not wanting to keep everything I create. I will finish a project, try it on and fall in love.  I think once I have created what is on my order list I will have to set aside a few for myself ( Greedy I am LOL).  I did get to keep a gem of a bracelet that I created from a Egyptian scarab that my father gave to me some 20 years ago ... It was on a black cord and I have never wore it ... It was kinda ugly, but my father gave it too me so the sentimental value was too high to pitch, sooooo see below 

Now I wear it ALOT !!!! Which in turn makes my dad smile .... which in turn makes me smile :)

One thing I found out is seed beads ROLL ALOT .... I got a great deal on a package of glass seed beads at the Dollar Tree  ( WOW you can still buy useful items for a dollar, who would have thunk it!!)  The problem was they were mixed colors.  I thought no problem, since I am OCD on things like that .... I will separate them.  Not only do they ROLL but they are tedious to divide. I am still working on that 0_O. Speaking of that I need to log off and get my little fingers working .... till next time Ciao!